11 Tips To Choose The Best Playschool For Kids

Best Playschool For Kids

A child’s future personality development is commonly believed to rely on childhood days. That is why early schooling days matter a lot as they shape the physical, mental, and emotional responses. Considering that, choose the best playschool for kids after comparing their different aspects. Do not enroll your little one in a school in a hurry without comparing them.

Here Is What You Should Look For In An Ideal Playschool For Kids

1. Consider Your Budget 

There is no point in thinking of expensive playschools that are out of your budgetary reach. So, first, list the schools whose varied expenses are well within your financial capabilities. You can access their pricing lists online or by talking to your relatives and friends. Take the next steps after that.

2. Find Out The Teaching Method

Preschools follow a range of teaching methods. For instance, the Montessori Method emphasizes sensory learning, and Makoons’ methods focus on teaching through activities. Similarly, the Waldorf method adopts ways that boost a child’s imagination, while the Bank Street method is about giving a child first-hand experience.
Some schools today use a combination of these methods. Still, enquire about any particular approach followed on the premises so that you know what to expect from the preschool.

3. Know The Class Size

Kids demand attention from everyone. So, they want teachers to look at what they are doing in the class. However, a teacher will find it extremely difficult to pay attention to each child if there are an excessive number of children in a class. So, choose a preschool that has not more than 15-20 kids per class. Avoid it if you find that they are just stuffing as many children just to earn money.

4. Compare Preschool Timings

You can’t force kids to get dressed, eat, and leave the house just on time. Therefore, avoid a preschool where your kid needs to go at the crack of dawn. It’s not a good option since it sets the body clock wrongly and might negatively impact kids’ waking habits.  Also, the timings should not clash with your work schedule.

5. Look For A Nearby Location

An ideal playschool for kids is the one that is around your location. For instance, when you are looking for the best preschool in India, choose the best one near your existing location. You would not like to drive your child for hours to and fro. So, settle for the one that is nearby.

6. Pay Attention To Cleanliness

While visiting preschools to compare, take a look at their cleanliness standards. Kids need a clean environment. They can fall ill very often if they sit on a dirty floor during activities. They should also follow hygienic standards for cooking and serving food.

7. Enquire About Safety Measures

 Are there all the security arrangements in place? Ask that question to the school staff and see it for yourself during your visit. Dedicated security staff should guard the premises round the clock. Instead of believing what the staff says, go and see the security measures yourself and be assured. 
You should prefer taking your kid where parents are allowed access to CCTV so they can watch their kids while away. For instance, a leading preschool Makoons runs a 5 tier security system on its premises.

8. Know If Your Views Are Welcome

You should prefer a playschool for a kid that is open to parents’ suggestions on matters pertaining to kids and the school environment. It should be willing to get parents involved and interact with some crucial aspects of the school. You can even directly ask the school authorities how openly they can accommodate your voice and views.

9. Know Their Defined Policies

When visiting the schools, do not hesitate to ask about their specific policies. For instance, find out about any disciplinary procedures such as hitting and biting. Many of them will suspend such kids. Enquire about other aspects such as tuition policy, family vacations, pick up and drop policy, and refund of security deposits in case of disenrollment.

10. Look For Signs Of A Poorly Run School

While comparing, keep in mind if they are running the school well or poorly. A poorly conducted school will have an arbitrary curriculum. See if they adopt reactive strategies for kids’ challenging behavior rather than helping solve the behavioral issues. Also, ensure a sufficient space for children to play.

11. Ask For Referrals

Even after the comparison, you cannot make up your mind, then ask your friends and neighbors for their advice. They can suggest the best preschool for kids nearby from their own experience. 
You should also go through online reviews as good reviews are an indicator that you can think of enrolling your kid there.


Choose a play school for your kids carefully considering its lots of aspects. It should be equipped with modern teaching methods and a proper environment for the all-round development of a child, keeping in mind the above tips.

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