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A List of Animals That Live on Land and Water -Teach In Easy Way

animals that live on water and land both

Welcome to the amazing journey Makoons Preschool offers. We are exploring the world of animals that live on land and water .These animals are called nature’s superheroes and some of them are known by the name amphibians. They basically live in two different worlds, they can swim, jump, crawl, and even breathe. At Makoons Preschool, we enjoy using stories, crafts, and entertaining activities to educate children about these animals. 

Today In this blog we will read about 10 animals that live on land and water, what they eat, where they are found. And some interesting facts about amphibians.

What Are Animals That Live on Land and Water Called?

There are creatures that spend their life living simultaneously in both the world i.e. Land and Water. And most of them are known as amphibians, such as frogs and salamanders. They start their life as eggs in water and later adapt to the life of land after developing lungs. 

Amphibians can be easily defined because of their smooth and wet skin, which help them to breathe underwater from their skin. Other than amphibians we also have some mammals and reptiles, such as crocodile, otter, turtle, and beaver, who also enjoy living in land and water.

Meet 10 Incredible Animals That Live on Land and Water

Here’s a simple table to help kids learn about these amazing animals:

Animal NameTypeFood They EatWhere They’re Found
FrogAmphibianInsects, wormsPonds, forests, gardens
SalamanderAmphibianSmall bugs, tiny fishStreams, damp forests
ToadAmphibianBeetles, spidersWoodlands, gardens
NewtAmphibianInsects, snail eggsLakes, ponds in Europe/Asia
CaecilianAmphibianEarthworms, termitesTropical rainforests
TurtleReptilePlants, small fishRivers, oceans, lakes
CrocodileReptileFish, birds, mammalsRivers, swamps (hot climates)
BeaverMammalTree bark, aquatic plantsRivers, lakes in North America
OtterMammalFish, crabsRivers, coasts worldwide
SealMammalFish, squidOceans, rocky shores
list of animals that live on land and water

Let’s Learn In Details about Animals that can Live on Land and Water-

Here is more About These Animals that Live in Water and Land


Naturally aquatic, frogs are amphibians and begin their life as tadpoles in water. To grab insects, they extend long, sticky tongues. Frogs live in damp woodlands or are easily found next to ponds. Some frogs have the ability to jump 20 times their body length.

Fun Fact: The world’s smallest frog Paedophryne amauensis is smaller than a coin.


While they are amphibians, salamanders resemble closely with lizards. They are usually found under rocks and in streams, and they consume little insects. Some salamanders have the ability to grow back missing tails or legs.

Fun Fact: The axolotl salamander stays underwater its whole life and never grows up.


These amphibians are known for their bumpy skin, and they love gardens. They devour bugs including spiders and beetles. Unlike frogs, toads like drier habitats but still need water to deposit eggs.

Fun Fact: To frighten off predators, Toads swell like balloons.


Newts are little amphibians with very bright colours to alert predators that they are poisonous. They are found in ponds and love to have snail eggs.

Fun Fact: Some newts can live up to 15 years.


Looking like worms or snakes, caecilians are legless amphibians. They eat earthworms and burrow in rainforest dirt.

Fun Fact: Caecilians feel vibrations to locate food.


Turtles come under the classification of reptiles. They have god gifted hard shells which protects them from predators. Depending on the type of turtles, they either eat fish or vegetables. While some sea turtles remain in rivers, others call ocean’s their home.

Fun Fact: A turtle cannot crawl out of its shell as it’s part of a skeleton.


Crocodiles come under the classification of reptiles, and are known for their strong jaws. They may seem weak on land but underwater they are very powerful. Seeking to ambush prey, they often hide in rivers or swamps.

Fun fact: Crocodiles can breathe underwater for more than one hour.


Beavers are very busy creatures, they build dams out of mud and sticks. For their houses, they dig ponds and chew tree bark.

Fun Fact: Beaver teeth keep sharp by biting; they never stop growing.


Otters are very smart and Playful mammals, they chase fish and slide down riverbanks. They can crack shellfish using rocks.

Fun Fact: Otters sleep holding hands to prevent drifting apart.


Seals are huge ocean creatures and have flippers to swim quickly. They are known to be friendly with humans and often seen sunbathing on the rocks. Seals dive deeper to enjoy their favourite food, fish.

Fun Fact: Seal pups develop rapidly as they intake 50% fat rich milk.

Why Are Amphibians So Special?

Amphibians, such as frogs and salamanders, are very important to the environment. These awesome animals spend their live in water and on land both, which makes them special. They keep annoying bugs in check— such as frogs eating the mosquitoes.  Amphibians also serve as nature’s alarm, their delicate, sensitive skin absorbs water and air, and if the surroundings become contaminated, they fall ill first. This signals us to repair pollution.

So, next time you see a frog jumping past, do remember: such small friends are great heroes and doing great work for the Earth. Let’s help them by maintaining their homes clean and secure.

5 Fun Facts About Amphibians ( Which Animals Live Both on Land and Water)

  1. Skin Breathers: Amphibians can easily breathe through their skin. Their moist skin absorbs oxygen from water or air.
  2. Metamorphosis Magic: Baby amphibians (like tadpoles) look nothing like adults—they transform completely as they grow.
  3. Super Sensors: Frogs and salamanders are examples of super sensors since they have great night vision and can hunt in the dark. 
  4. Survival Skills: Some amphibians freeze solid over the winter and then come back to life in the spring.
  5. Ecosystem Heroes: Amphibians are superheroes for ecosystems because they consume pests such as mosquitoes, which helps to maintain the natural order.


We hope that you love learning about animals that live on land and water. At Makoons Preschool, we mix play and education to spark curiosity. Love learning about the world under water?

Also Check out our blog to teach more on the 5 oceans of the world to meet whales, dolphins, and more.

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